Baking a muffin in the wild.
By Kate  O’Connor

Jim McNutt has written up a protocol here
( for doing this and I have
enjoyed eating the product he made on a camping trip.  But, you say, if recipes
were all that was required to be a chef, hardly anyone would eat out.  So, here
is the description of a verification of Jim’s instructions.  He was not present
and was not consulted during the process.  His instructions were followed to a T,
but telling isn’t doing and there are many judgment points in cooking—for
instance, how hot is the right hot on a homemade camp stove?

Here are the “packed” set of tools (no commercial products for cooking- just
handy stuff with a few modifications) and the kit opened up to show what is in it.

Kate's KitKit laid out

Here is the total fuel used.  Kindling was about 3-4 inches long or less.

Stickslarger sticksCooking

The system was ssembed as instructed with ingredients as suggested and
cooked for the recommended 20 minutes.  You won’t want to plan on going for
a swim while this muffin is baking.  The fire needs continuous attention, but if
you have gathered your fuel before hand, it is pleasant anticipatory time.

And this is what you get; lower figure shows the muffin cut in half while still
quite warm.

Muffin cooked
Muffin cut

Lifting the bowl off the stove (not addressed in the protocol)with a pair of
sticks didn’t work well because there really isn’t much of a lip on the bowl I
used, but quick and brief handling with gloves was no problem.  The muffins
are not light and airy biscuits, but  I much prefer a moist, dense muffin when
camping.  They are hearty and stay with you a long time (in a good way).

Would I think it was worth doing in the field?  You betcha!