Clothing and
Hasty Pack

Hasty bag should be about 2700 cubic inches
plus or minus some, with hip belt and side pockets.

Boots with heel cups, hat, wicking socks,
wool socks, polypro underwear,
nylon ripstop pants, silk shirt for a start.

Tent to keep the critters off.
Food and water

Water and natural foods like salal
berries keep you fit.
Just Boil Water

Cup of Soup, Cocoa, Mac & cheese,
Sardines, Granola bar, Fig Newton,
Raisins, Instant oatmeal; food
for a day, 1620 calories.

Fire the key to survival.
Three ways to start a fire.

Trioxane, Lighter, Cardboard dipped in hot wax,
Magnesium and flint, Waterproof matches,
and Match box with strike anywhere matches.
You really need to know how to build a fire.
Fire, Oregon 2005

This is what Not to do!

Iso/butane/propane stove, Trioxane.
A small stove is the answer to hot meals.

Communication is a life saver.
Signal Flag, Signal Mirror, Whistle,
Radio, Flash light and cricket all could
save your life. You need to know how to
use them and make them work!

Don't go without a map that has UTM
numbers around the outside of the map!

Silva Ranger Compass and Magellan GPS
Taking a bearing

Practice your skills.
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